Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Week 3 Flickr training

This is one of the photographs I sent with the nswpln2008 Tag as part of the Flickr photo sharing. As part of my work performance measures I have taken on displays to promote the library collection. This is part of the Christmas display at Lawson Library. The children are decorating the tree with prepared decorations for us.
After listening to the video clip about Flickr and sharing images I can understand where the speaker is coming from. There are always two sides to a coin. Photo albums are so much easier to share with relatives who may not own a computer. I always add other related articles in amongst my photographs to add interest. My daughters save their photographs on discs to store their images against computer breakdown but these still require a computer to view them.
I followed and looked at the tasks and also searched tags such as Mystery Bay, seascapes, seascapes lighthouses and found many lovely images. When viewing the slide shows these images really came to life and were very beautiful and dramatic.


Snow said...

Your displays at Lawson have been really appealing. The idea of decorating the Christmas tree was such fun for the children.The tree is even on the Library Christmas card!

Fun1 said...

It looked wonderful just before Christmas. GREAT IDEA!!!