Friday, February 27, 2009

Week 9 - Podcasts and audio

After listening to the You tube introduction and completing the podcast activities I was quite surprised at the possibilities and uses of this form of technology. Podcasts can have many uses in the library such as book reviews (I think the young adults would really enjoy this format), staff training and in-service training, oral histories, talks, library activities and performances organised by the library such as poetry readings, etc. They seem to replace the old cassetted forms of presentation for personal use. I will be on holidays when our library will be holding their 6 monthly all staff meeting and I can see a podcast of the event would be a great way of hearing what went on and allow me to catch up and listen at a convenient time for me. I searched for other podcasts through the Yahoo podcast search and found several on folkmusic and poetry.


pls@slnsw said...

Podcasts would be a great way to catch up on discussions at staff meetings. Great idea.

Ellen (PLS)

Naomi said...

It is a fab idea and an great way to keep in the loop. I love being able to hear artist talks as podcasts when I can't make the real thing.

Snow said...

Your blog is looking very appealing and is interesting.Remember you're nearly there!